Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Classrooms scare me.

Yesterday I had quite the adventure at my school.  Since I am the only student teacher that is substitute certified, I was moved into a classroom for the last two hours of the day.  Details don't matter, but I was taken away from my safe haven where kids can run wild and have a blast.

Two hours was all it took for me to come crawling back to the beautiful open space that I call my gym.  I honestly have a lot respect for classroom teachers.  I do not see how they keep the students engaged for six hours a day, and come back wanting more!  I now am thankful for every teacher I had in elementary school that put up with me. My constant energy was probably a constant headache for them.

After my two hours in the classroom, I now know that my calling is in Physical Education, where I can run free and put my energy to good use!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My first blog!

Honestly, I have no idea how I am going to keep this up, but I thought I would give it a shot considering I already keep a journal everyday. 

Since freshman year of high school, I have always lived by a quote that my English teacher told me.  "Do one thing everyday that scares you."  Eleanor Roosevelt was a quirky lady, so I took her advice and started living my life that way. 

Eight years later, I am still living by that quote.  I might not do something scary (like jump out of a plane) each day, but just getting through the day is scary enough.  I started student teaching on January 14th, and it has been quite the roller coaster ride.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love teaching, but there are some days where I ask myself, "Why am I doing this?!" 

Sometimes I try to escape...

...but in the end, being a teacher is one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever had.

So this is my blog, about my oh-so scary life that I am living.